Zettelkasten progress

Well, I've finished my first major milestone in my zettelkasten-spaced repitition software. I can create zetteln, I can browse zetteln, and I can review zetteln as flashcards. The last piece was reporting the summary of the items to be reviewed. All the major parts are there.

As I'm developing this, I am the only user. It is now usable to me, but as I use it, I find things that I need to add in. Some are features I thought I'd be able to get around the lack of. Others are things that would make the entire experience better.

In the former category, rearranging zetteln in the tree view is not something I thought I'd need given the structure of a zettelkasten, but mixing in the review card features seems to require it.

In the latter category, being able to open viewers to several zetteln on the screen would be nice, but it's not a show stopper.

I'm also realized that I need a "inbox" to separate creation of items from inserting them into review or the kasten. It think it will make capturing things that much easier.

There are also things that I don't need, but others will need before they can really make use of the product. Notably hover-help so that users can discover what buttons do.

But, it progresses.
